The Vatican City
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Vatican City stands just west of the Tiber, the river of Rome. About 200 people
live and work here in the world's smallest state. It has its own judicial
system, shops, bank, currency, post office, garages - even its own radio station
and daily newspaper (the Osservatore Romano) and its official language is Latin.
See the
breathtaking Sistine Chapel, where Michelangelo's frescoes are the pinnacle of
European artistic achievement. The 930 sq m ceiling, started in 1508, took four
years to complete. Visit the Vatican Museums, which house some of
the greatest treasures of the art world.
at the sheer size and majesty of St. Peter's Basilica, the most famous church in
Christendom and Catholicism's most important point of pilgrimage. It sees
visitors from all over the world drawn to the spot where St. Peter was buried
after his crucifixion. Climb to the top
of its dome for the stupendous view as shown in the picture to the left. Take a
walk around the world's largest Christian church and wonder at the beauty of
Michelangelo's Pieta.
Come out of the cathedral and stroll around
the square, built by Bernini, ta
king your time to truly appreciate one of the finest views in the
world today.